We opened our thriller without including the distribution company, which subverts and challenges the convention of real media products. It shows that the film is endependent and might go straight to a film festival.
The first name, which appeared in the titles was the producer's name because as the film company is independent, the film is possibly financed by the producer as well. So, that is the reason why the producer's name is most important. We conform the convention by putting the producer's name at the beginning.
After the producer's name, the main character's name comes, which conforms the convention of a real media product because if there are any stars in it, people would like to know.
The director's name comes at the end, shortly before the film starts, which uses conventions of real media products.
We conform the conventions of a thriller because we have included some actions scenes, which reinforce the idea of the mystery being conveyed afterwards. It conveys the fact that they are investigators, breaking into the flat.
These two pictures also conform the conventions of a thriller because as the last one, do not reveal the mystery, but nobody knows who is taking the photos and the blind spot idea is reinforced.
She sees the picture of her and then have the shot of herself (same one), but live. So, who is watching and how is it possible?

On the other hand, we develop the convention of a real media product because the actress represents a typical Hollywood version of a female detective.
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