Tuesday, 13 September 2011

What is a music video?

It is essential to understand what a music video actually is and the concepts to it in order to be able to plan our own. So, here are some important points I would like to make:

"Music video is not primarily a commodity form but a promotional one"
(Andrew Goodwin, 1992)

This quote means that a music video is not just something useful, but a very good way of promoting music to the audience. A pop music video is a "promotional tool", which includes marketing, band, song, the IMAGE, which sells the record.

It is always a part of the construction of the image of a particular band or performer. Richard Dyer explains it with stardom. For example the music video "One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful" is a very good example to explain the synthetic image (artificially constructed). The video is stereotypical because they use the beach, young boys smiling, supposedly good-looking for a younger audience of mainly girls, mothers optionally and X-Factor fans because Simon Cowell was the one that put the band together, so they are known from the very famous TV show as well. It also signifies how conventional X-Factor actually is. They also used intertextuality from "Grease" (1978), the first chords of the song, in order to remind the audience of the film and sell their personalized star image. Therefore a music video is also part of its commercial context in the music industries. It can be also used in order to market other media products e.g. films (synergy). It is important that it is always accessible to the audience as this music video is.

A star constrast to it is the band Radiohead - Creep, whose image is by far more organic. It is independent and creative. The audience is older or still younger, but interested in Indie music. They are concentrated on the live performance and the focus is on the voice, talent of the lead, their instruments, which is shown with many close-ups. The atmosphere is quite moody and fascinating to watch due to the colours used and the lighting. That is why a music video is a creative artifact itself.

There is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_video , which explains some more details about the history and developement of a music video.

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