Thursday, 13 October 2011

Set/Lighting Designs

In order to be more prepared for the actual day of shooting and have the opportunity to portray what we wanted in the music video, it was important to have our minds set on set/lighting design, which we developed first on paper then discussed with Dan will be helping us with the lighting. We thought that it would be nice to re-present the scrap yard and therefore we decided on using natural lighting. We will have a key light in order to make the light more theatrical and strong. We want to have high light as well, lighting straight on the band playing. Back lighting will not be harsh but gentle in order to avoid creating any unwanted shadows, but the band members stand out against the background because we are concentrating on their image as indie/mod artists. Fill lighting will be used again to avoid sharp areas of contrast. The natural lighting will create a normal atmosphere, close to the audience rather than artificial (as most mainstream producers use), In terms of colours we wanted to use grey/metal, dark blue. We would like to have a smashed car, which will be lit in bright colours, smashed metal, junk and wires in order to re-create the junk yard.

We presented our ideas to Dan and had some feedback. He agreed with that that it would be better if we actually recreate the scrap yard rather than simply performance lit it. Dan thought that natural lighting will reinforce the day light we will have in the scrap yard. Nevertheless, we will still use back and key lighting. He liked the colours we suggested which will be metal, grey-blue and he thought effective if using a bright light on the vehicle in order to stand out from the rest of the set.

Here is a short video-diary I shot of Dan's feedback.

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