Saturday, 17 December 2011

Poster Development and Research

We wanted to research posters of similar bands, which are alternative, but still quite popular, still putting an emphasis in their album's promotion on talent and being together as a group. We looked at Nickelback'sposter of "Someday" and really liked the simplicity of it and the clear fonts, them just being together as a band. We also looked at a poster of the Verve and we chose to use the layout of teh poster indicating the name of the album, of the band and the website of the band. We decided to promote our single, "Not Like Everybody Else" by creating synergy in terms of mentioning that the soundtrack is from the film "The Agent" because in the Verve's poster of Urban Hymns they mention the most famous tracks, such  as "Bitter Sweet Symphony" and "The Drugs Don't Work", which makes it more likely for people to buy the CD if the recognise the titles of the songs included, exactly what we planned to do.


Underneath, there is a brief sketch of our planning of how to create the poster. We decided to include the website of Parlophone and the institution logo, and where the CD would be available for purchase in order to emphasize that it is easily accessible for purchase.

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