Tuesday, 8 November 2011

One Day Before the Shoot (Studio)

Today was quite a stressful day, but also very productive. We had to solve many problems in order to make sure that everything will be sorted for tomorrow. One of our problems was that our drummer - Will Bodnar got sick and said that he could not do the shoot. We had to think about any other drummers in the school. So, I was asking people who would cover for him, but the problem was that for any student it would be too hard to miss lessons with such a short notice. However, we thought of a girl - Laura Cheese who is an A2 student, but has just two subjects, so it was not a big problem. Nevertheless, we had to change our concept of having four boys. However, I think that having a girl as a drummer breaks the stereotype and makes their star image more versatile and interesting for the audience. The fact that she could also play the instrument helped as well.

One more problem that arised was that our bassist - Merlin Talard, had two Internal Assessments on that day. So, he had to go out of the shoot in the second period. Therefore we had to make sure that the set is built and ready the day before, so we could start with the shoot straight after breakfast in order to take the wide shots of the band while he is still there. Additional problem was that his Media teacher refused to let him miss his lesson tomorrow. This meant that we could have lost him completely for the day. So, I pursuaded him and the Media teacher to give him an additional lesson out of class, so he is not behind. With that everything was resolved. We reminded them of the costumes they had to bring and make-up.

Nina, Charlotte and me helped with builting up the set, which you can see below: You can see the mini we have used. Matt was also helping us builting up the set, making sure that the instruments work. In the middle you can see the finished set.

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