Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Progress Diary

I spoke to Luke, the one who is responsible for our shooting, and finally found out that we will be able to shoot in the scrap yard which is good news because otherwise we had to change the location, consequently this would have made things more complicated for us in the last days before the day. Nevertheless, we had to make a compromise and shoot on a Sunday in the junk yard and one more additional day in the studio; this meant that we had to negotiate when exactly the scrap yard is going to be free for us to shoot there. Due to the fact that we still need to figure out the exact date and it might turn out to be this Sunday, we need to make sure that we have all the props and costumes sorted out. It is of an advantage that the band members have their own suits. However, we need to provide the props. Dan, the person responsible for the lighting and the set, Charlotte and me went to see him in order to make sure that we have the bigger props needed, such as the old Mini, which we are going to use in our performance part of the video. It all worked out well and we were happy with the metal bits, tires etc. he has provided for us.  Next step was to see Al, he is the one securing e.g. the stools, hammer, pack of cards - the more detailed props. I made a list, which I gave him to make sure that we will have the needed on the day. So far so good.
However, Ed, one of our group members has chicken pox and we might have to shoot without him. He was providing some of the props. Nevertheless, now we found a compromise and will divide his tasks between the three of us. So, we need to be clearer on who is doing what in order to make sure that we  will have evrything on both shooting days. At the moment, we are also sorting out blue cards for the band members (a permission that allows them to take part in our music video).
So, we are still in process, but most of the things are organized.

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